Allison Hill

Reshaping the Conversation About Mental Illness

How did you first become aware of Skyland Trail?

During our early days in Atlanta, Skyland Trail was one of those organizations that kept coming to our attention, both through my work as a psychologist and through friends who had personal connections to it.  

Why did you decide to get involved?

Ben and I each have people close to us who’ve faced the challenges of mental illness, and we recognize the life-saving importance of there being a strong organization like Skyland Trail in Atlanta.  

Is there a specific moment that stands out in your mind when you think of the impact of Skyland Trail?

On our first visit to Skyland Trail, we had lunch with a young man who had been the beneficiary of its services.  He had an interesting life story that was – except for the illness he was experiencing – not dissimilar from our own. We saw that day how Skyland Trail was giving his life story the chance to continue in a healthy and productive way.

Why do you include Skyland Trail in your philanthropic giving?

Ben and I are compelled both by the great need that Skyland Trail is filling for individuals, as well as how it is reshaping common perceptions and conversation about mental illness at-large.