Family Services

Family Services for Adult and Adolescent Mental Health Treatment Programs

We believe families (including relations, spouses, partners, and other important friends) are integral to our clients' long-term health and wellness. We also know that families need to heal too. Mental illness places an incredible strain on families and relationships. We offer many opportunities for families to not only support their loved one's progress in treatment, but to work toward strengthening the family system as well.

Adult Programs: Family Services

Weekly Family Welcome Sessions give a one-hour overview of what to expect during the first weeks of treatment. A monthly full-day Family Orientation provides an in-depth explanation of our adult mental health treatment programs and opportunities for families to support their loved one's progress toward recovery. Family Orientation is typically held via zoom the last Friday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.


Working with our family therapist, families can start to resolve issues that have become complicated while managing the overwhelming impact of mental illness. Family therapy can help improve relationships between parents and their children, couples or partners, siblings, or other important supportive relationships. Learn how to better communicate, establish new roles and boundaries, and nurture important relationships.


The Support, Training and Education Program or "STEP" gives families and friends the knowledge and skills for self-care, as well as understanding how to help loved ones in treatment and after discharge. Family STEP meets on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. via zoom.


Family skills training sessions are scheduled throughout the year. Mental health experts help families learn DBT and CBT skills parallel to the skills clients learn in treatment.

Family Stories

Adolescent Programs: Family Services

Our adolescent treatment programs focus not just on the client, but on the entire "sphere of support" around the adolescent. Family therapy is required for all families of adolescents.


The Adolescent Family Program provides an orientation to the Skyland Trail treatment program, education on relevant mental health topics, and structured peer support for parents and guardians of clients currently enrolled in the adolescent treatment program.


Family Stories