Intensive Outpatient Program

Intensive Outpatient Program as a Step Down from Mental Health Day Treatment

Our nonresidential Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) may be appropriate as a step down level of care for day treatment adult clients. New clients may not admit directly to the Intensive Outpatient level of care.

IOP offers a slightly shorter day, five or three days a week, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The average length of stay in IOP is an additional 1 to 2 months. Transitional housing with independence coaching are available as additional services.

IOP is recommended when clients:

  • have made progress in Day Treatment
  • are engaging in purposeful activities like work, school or volunteer efforts
  • need limited reinforcement and support as they continue to adopt and practice skills for healthy living
two people talking as part of mental health counseling

Typically, clients continue to have weekly one-on-one appointments with the same primary counselor, and weekly appointments with their psychiatrist. They also continue to participate in their core group of peers, though sometimes for three days a week instead of five. So as IOP clients are making big steps toward independent living, many of their support systems remain in place.

At the same time, less time in treatment at Skyland Trail gives clients more time to start building new support networks in the community, outside of Skyland Trail. Skyland Trail staff are encouraging clients to connect with 12 Step programs and peer support groups in the community. Often working with our vocational services staff, clients are encouraged to participate in a scheduled purposeful activity - whether getting a job, going to school, or finding a volunteer opportunity.

Next Steps After the Intensive Outpatient Program

When clients graduate from the Intensive Outpatient Program, they leave intensive services at Skyland Trail. They may choose to enroll in one or more of our non-intensive or outpatient programs, including vocational servicesLEAP, and/or our alumni program.

Alumni clients may also continue to make appointments at the Glenn Family Wellness Clinic to meet their preventive and primary care needs.