The Wrong Thing: The Hazards of Misdiagnosis

January 28, 2022
an image of a wooden square block on top of a piece of wood with round holes to signify putting a square peg in a round hole.

By Sheila O’Shea [Trigger warning: suicidal ideation] I knew it wasn’t Attention Deficit Disorder. I went through a battery of tests for ADD—pointing at pictures of aliens and reciting their names, holding a metal rod steady so it wouldn’t touch the inside of a metal ring, filling out questionnaires—and the doctor concluded that I didn’t…


Staff Highlight: Carlyle Bruce, PhD

August 27, 2021
A screenshot from a video featuring Carlyle Bruce, PhD

Learn more about Carlyle Bruce, Ph.D., Director of Psychological Services and family therapist at the Skyland Trail adult residential treatment program. How long have you been at Skyland Trail? “I have been at Skyland for 10 years.” What made you want to go into the mental health field? “I really enjoyed talking to others, and—though…