Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder

July 11, 2024

Develop an understanding of Borderline Personality Disorder and ways to support those in treatment.


10 Common Types of Cognitive Distortions

November 15, 2023
A mental health professional speaks to a group of patients while standing next to a whiteboard filled with examples of cognitive distortions

Learn about common cognitive distortions that lead to unhealthy thought patterns and influence moods and behaviors in harmful ways.


Accepting Reality Using DBT Skills

October 28, 2019
radical acceptance shown as chutes and ladders board game

DBT teaches that the only way to end suffering, which occurs as a result of pain and non-acceptance, is to accept reality and face the pain head on. Learn three reality acceptance skills that can help individuals find respite from suffering.


Sensory Body Awareness Skills to Reduce Distress Through DBT

September 20, 2019
Woman lying on back practicing DBT skill sensory body awareness

Sensory Body Awareness is a DBT skill for distress tolerance. Learn how to use practices like paired muscle relaxation, half smiling, and willing hands to navigate stressful situations or intense emotional pain.


Survive a Crisis Situation with DBT Distress Tolerance Skills

August 26, 2019
a woman reading a book with a cup of tea

Learn how to use DBT skills like the STOP Skill, Pros and Cons, Wise Mind ACCEPTS, TIPP, IMPROVE the Moment to weather overwhelming situations or intense emotional or physical pain.


Comparing Bipolar Disorder vs Borderline Personality Disorder

March 20, 2018
bipolar disorder vs borderline personality disorder

Bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder are two mental illnesses that can cause significant disability and disruption in someone’s life. Despite being commonly grouped together or even used interchangeably in movies, TV, and other pop culture references, they are two separate and distinct illnesses that have different diagnostic criteria and require different treatments. Find out more about how…


Understanding Cutting and Self-Harming Behaviors

January 4, 2018
hiding cutting with long sleeves

Individuals who cut themselves or engage in other self-injurious behaviors often are using this unhealthy coping strategy to deal with emotional pain or confusion that they do not know how to process in any other way. This type of behavior is associated with several diagnoses including anxiety disorders and personality disorders, and patients often have a history of…


4 Differences Between CBT and DBT and How to Tell Which is Right for You

August 27, 2017

Psychotherapy is one of the best treatment methods available for a number of mental illnesses. One of the most common types of therapy is called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Also called talk therapy, CBT focuses on talking about your problems to help you frame your thoughts differently. If you feel like negative thoughts are always in…


Using DBT to Confront Black-and-White Thinking

June 2, 2016
putting puzzle pieces together

From time to time, we all experience black-and-white thinking or fall into an all-or-nothing frame of mind. For some people, a pattern of black-and-white thinking over time may reinforce a recurring automatic negative thought – “I can’t do anything right” – to the point that it becomes a permanent negative core belief – “I am…