Understanding Midlife Depression

April 17, 2017
woman holding a mug looking out the window

The first episode of mood disorders like bipolar illness and major depressive disorder typically occurs in adolescence or early adulthood. However many adults in their 30s, 40s, 50s or older begin to struggle with depression in new ways as an older adult. Medical problems and the losses we experience as we age can affect how we view ourselves and how we relate to…


6 Steps to Develop a Safety Plan

February 24, 2017
couple at computer planning

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the Unites States. Every year, more than 44,000 Americans die by suicide. While there is no “one size fits all” treatment for someone experiencing suicidal thoughts, evidence shows that protective factors can help lessen the likelihood of suicide among adults. At Skyland Trail, clients learn to identify…


Benefits of Music Therapy for Adults with Mental Illness

February 17, 2017
music therapy

Music therapy is one of the adjunctive therapies offered at Skyland Trail. Each week clients in our residential and day treatment programs have the opportunity to participate in music therapy. During these groups, clients use breathing and rhythm exercises to encourage expression of emotion through activities such as drumming and guided imagery. Clients also have opportunities…


5 Tips for Protecting Your Mental Health at College

September 9, 2016
college students on campus

1. Get involved on campus. Even if you commute to school, make connections with other students. You could join (or start!) a study group with other commuters in a class, or join a student organization. These connections can be very meaningful across the course of your life. If you have a mental health diagnosis, consider…


Using CBT Skills to Handle Criticism

June 15, 2016
handling criticism

Criticism can trigger psychiatric symptoms for some individuals who interpret feedback in unhealthy ways.  How we handle criticism may affect our relationships with others, our self-esteem, and our opportunities for personal growth. At Skyland Trail, we help clients discover a new perspective and develop new skills to respond to criticism with a more healthy, productive…


Using DBT to Confront Black-and-White Thinking

June 2, 2016
putting puzzle pieces together

From time to time, we all experience black-and-white thinking or fall into an all-or-nothing frame of mind. For some people, a pattern of black-and-white thinking over time may reinforce a recurring automatic negative thought – “I can’t do anything right” – to the point that it becomes a permanent negative core belief – “I am…


Supporting a Loved One After Residential Mental Health Treatment

April 20, 2016
couple at computer planning

People who have a strong support system of family and friends are more likely to stay healthy and successfully manage their illnesses long term. Just showing your love and letting your loved one know that she matters to you and many others in the community can go a long way. You can also take a…


5 Important Facts about Mental Health Therapy

December 15, 2015
professional mental health counseling

1.    You don’t have to be sick. The journey of self-awareness and self-exploration is lifelong, and is beneficial for anyone. Therapy can deepen this experience and bring about the insight to improve relationships and overall well-being.  2.  Therapy will not “fix you.” You are not broken. The purpose of therapy is to help you…


4 CBT Skills for Managing Anxiety

November 24, 2015
controlled breathing for anxiety

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very effective in reducing anxiety to a manageable level. Check out these tips. 1. Evaluate Distorted Thinking Our thinking influences our anxiety more than we realize. When experiencing anxiety, look for these skewed thinking patterns:  seeing situations in all or nothing terms (dichotomous thinking), only viewing what could potentially…


DIY “Hope Notes” with Fresh Flowers and Stationary

October 7, 2015

Horticultural therapy is a unique part of the recovery experience at Skyland Trail. Clients work with our expert horticultural therapist in our greenhouse and in the many gardens on our campuses to use nature as a tool for growth.  Unique hands-on projects in each season help clients reconnect with a sense of purpose and wonder…